Implementation of the Transport GZM system

On September 28, we will say goodbye to the ŚKUP system. The data contained in it will be transferred to the Transport GZM system. Therefore, gradually, earlier in advance, further functionalities in the existing system will be switched off.
At all times, passengers will be able to make all transactions in the new system – in the mobile application and in the Transport GZM portal, which replace the ŚKUP system. ŚKUP cards will also remain in use during this time, except for the situations listed below.
Order new cards
On September 13, the possibility of submitting applications in the Customer Portal and ordering new ŚKUP cards with shipping to the address was disabled. If your card expires in September, you can use it until the end of the month. Previously issued ŚKUP cards with a longer term remain valid and can be used as an account identifier in the new system. The new Transport GZM cards will be available from 1 October at kiosks, ticket machines at stops and at Passenger Service Points.
On 22 September, the possibility of ordering new ŚKUP cards at Passenger Service Points and ticket machines will also be disabled.
Restrictions on access to the e-purse
After September 22, the possibility of using the funds accumulated in the e-purse will be suspended in the ŚKUP system. If you plan to pay with these funds for tickets (e.g. for a long-term ticket ending in the meantime) – do it before this date. Until that day, you can also refund funds from the e-purse, which is tantamount to closing the account.
Access to funds in the e-purse will be unlocked on October 1 – you will then be able to migrate them to your account in the new system. This will be possible both on the Transport GZM portal and at the Passenger Service Point.
Key days in the process
September 27 is the last day of making transactions in the ŚKUP system. They will be possible to perform them in cash, at kiosks and Passenger Service Points, and cashless (by card, quick transfer) on the ŚKUP portal and mobile application.
On September 28, the ŚKUP system will be switched off. Long-term tickets previously recorded on ŚKUP cards will be valid and visible to the inspector during a possible inspection. From that day on, you will not use single, medium-term and package tickets saved on the card.
No tickets or cash from the ŚKUP system will be "lost". You will be able to use them in the GZM Transport system.
For the whole process, the most important thing is to set up an account in the new Transport GZM system. From October, users of the Transport GZM system will be able to migrate data from their ŚKUP cards. This process will be different for passengers who already have accounts in Transport GZM and those who will only set up such accounts.
A passenger who already has a personal account in the Transport GZM system will have to log in to his account in the portal to migrate his data from the ŚKUP system (the migration process can only be carried out in the portal, it will not work from the mobile application). After logging in, the system will verify on the basis of the PESEL number whether there is an account of this passenger in the ŚKUP system. If such an account exists in the ŚKUP system, the portal will prompt the passenger whether he wants to migrate data from this ŚKUP account (cards). The passenger can choose the "yes" option, which will download coded discounts from the old ticket account and enable the transfer of funds from the e-purse of the ŚKUP card.
If the passenger selects the "no" option, the system will not proceed with data migration. The vast majority of cards in the system are blank cards on which there are no coded tickets or other information. In this case, migration is not needed. The passenger can also choose "ask later" and proceed to the process at a convenient time.
A passenger who does not yet have an account in the Transport GZM system and will create an account, will be asked in the process of creating an account whether he has a ŚKUP card. When the passenger provides the number of this card, four digits of the account account number (printed on the back of the ŚKUP card) and four digits of the PESEL number, the process of migrating data from his ŚKUP card to the newly created account in the Transport GZM system will be carried out. All data from the old system will be transferred to the new account. Not only tickets, discounts and e-purses, but also personal and contact details. Personal and contact details can be easily edited in the new system.
Migration is subject to long-term and package tickets saved on the card. After migration, the passenger will find them in the "my tickets" tab of the web application or the Transport GZM customer portal.
Single and medium-term tickets (Day, 24h + train) will not be migrated. The system will give you back the cash that will appear as cash Transport GZM.
Discounts recorded on the ŚKUP card are subject to migration, however, if the passenger has already defined discounts in the new system, discounts from the ŚKUP card will not be migrated.
If the ŚKUP card has funds stored in an e-purse, the passenger will be asked whether he wants to transfer these funds to the new system or withdraw them to the bank account number indicated by him.
To learn more or solve the difficulties encountered, please contact the ZTM helpline: 800 16 30 30. All information will also be available on the portal and on our social media profiles.