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Ticket Honoring
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What if, due to the reconstruction of the railway junction in Katowice, my travel route changes, e.g. it will be necessary to make a transfer, change the means of transport, etc.?
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Passengers with a valid single/short-term ticket issued in paper form or a package ticket, for whom the travel route covered before the reconstruction of the railway junction in Katowice changes (in particular through the need to make a transfer, change of means of transport, change of the location of the stop, shortening of the line), will be entitled to continue their journey within the validity period of the ticket or on the basis of a journey available in the package ticket, on the same or another line running in the same direction as the travel route covered before the reconstruction. In the case of single/short-term tickets, the validity period of these tickets is extended by the waiting time for the transfer and the time to reach the stop in order to continue the journey.

Can I travel on GZM public transport based on tickets issued by Koleje Śląskie and POLREGIO during the reconstruction of the railway junction in Katowice?
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A passenger who has purchased a ticket issued by Koleje Śląskie and POLREGIO will be able to travel by public transport Transport GZM from 1 October under certain conditions:

  • the route specified on the ticket covers only the area covered by changes in the organisation of transport resulting from the reconstruction of the railway junction in Katowice;
  •  it is a non-relation ticket (e.g. network ticket, tourist ticket, REGIOkarnet);
  • it is a ticket issued for travel on a train operated by KŚ or POLREGIO on a shortened route,i.e. from/to the station to which the train service has been shortened, in accordance with the current list of changes in train service available on the KŚ or POLREGIO website".
Where can I find information about changes in the operation of public transport during the reconstruction of viaducts?
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Dynamic Passenger Information System Virtual Board
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The current location of vehicles can be checked on the virtual board of the Dynamic Passenger Information System:

Announcements and timetables
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On our website you can find all announcements and timetables.

Special subpage
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On our website, in the tab, we regularly post the most important news as well as maps and diagrams.